Self-Care in Real Time

This post is a gentle reminder to be easy with yourself, to be kind with yourself, to be compassionate, to be understanding, to hold space for yourself.

A gentle reminder to show yourself love in the moments that are hard, the moments that you feel like you’re dropping the ball, or dropped the ball. This is the moments to show yourself love. This is the practice of self love. Breath in. Breathe out. This is the moment to apply selfcare in real time.

Friends, we are doing the best we can. Allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to show yourself grace, allow yourself to be human. I am here to tell you that you are doing the best you can. Acknowledge yourself, acknowledge your hard work. Breathe in. Breathe out. Come to be the present, return to peace.

I love you. And am sending you all a big warm hug full of peace.

Wishing you a nice and easy few days ahead. Give yourself the space to have fun, enjoy, and squeeze a dance party somewhere in there.
